Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Ambience Of Glory...

Note: I never really knew I would write poetry. Somehow, it just happened one day when my fingers hit the computer keyboard and just wouldn't stop. 2 pages later, I realized I had written my first poem (though it was VERY long). The only time I really write poetry is when I feel an extreme emotion, whether it be sadness, anger, love or happiness... words always seem to be the ultimate form of expression.

This particular poem was written in light of the recent Spring Dance Festival. I could have never imagined the support and wonderful reaction I got to my first, individually choreographed, hip-hop dance piece. In the beginning, I felt like an outcast amongst the other choreographers because my idea was so different, but as time went on I began to love my dance and the way it had turned out on stage. However, the audience's response was the best part of all. That split-second between the end of the dance and the applause was nerve-wracking-- but as soon as I heard the crowd erupt, all the stress, work, time,energy, blood, sweat, and tears I had put into this dance had really payed off. I had never before felt this way about my work or dancing. To say the least, it was surreal.

The presence of well-wishers, friends and supporters that night was not even close to a minority. Everyone appreciated me, everyone was there for me, and it felt amazing. This year was a dream in terms of how much I learned about self-esteem and my own choreographing and dancing ability.

Finally, without the love of the Buckley Community, my fellow classmates (including choreographers and dancers), and my beautiful best friends, I would have never felt that same ambience of glory...

i bask in the ambience of glory
for this world is no less than beautiful.
i guess they were right when they spoke about the future
when one door closes, there opens another.
tonight i feel on top of the world
surrounded by bright lights
embraced by loving angels, my guardians, my day, my night.
positivity is paradise.
dancing is a passion.
from the depths of a chasm,
i encounter greatness within myself.
i spill my soul onto the stage
and find myself ready to turn a new page.
gratitude races through my veins
alongside the adrenaline.
they push through narrow lanes.
i thank god for days like this, i feel complete.
nothing else will ever be able to compete.

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